Full Version: Hi...terrorist - More drama
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3 in one day.
3? there was dig's, kim's, and what else?
Sleeper's post where we had the link to the DIG thread in our signatures.
It will be 4 any minute now.

Sleeper is a trouble maker.
Sorry, nothing I can do now. Guess the glitch was fixed...

This place is MUCH more interesting. An FNG can learn a lot.
....and that makes 4.
it's gone again
the phantom mod strikes again!
he did, crybaby
whats up fellas?
Well that about does it. appears to have officially died today.
Aww, no one even got to see my resigning thread. Rolleyes
i did, you quit & you broke it :clueless:
You guys better be nice to dig before he shuts this site down too.
hey it wasn't all DIG!! :angry:
:lol: dig is powerful
Quote:hey it wasn't all DIG!!

Credit grabber.
Quote:Credit grabber
those are some quality threads right there
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