Full Version: Hi...terrorist - More drama
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BM's just toying wih us. He knows how much we love anarchy.
:disappointed: huh?
Quote:Hey, how about I undelete it????

take it out of the recycle bin...i need to see this. pretty please.
Finally, someone got it right!!! VG WINS!!! (again) (TOG)
Quote:Hey, how about I undelete it????

You can't.
if it's in the recycle bin, he can.
oooooooh a recycling bin, all the secret info is leaking!!!!
oh no! the secret info..shit i'll be de-modde.....oh wait. Undecided
how did you do that
cool beans
i see no pic...
methinks we were fooled
underground chat mothafuckas!!!
What pic?
Beats me, I didn't know it could be done at all.
FTL is stumped, brilliant!!!!! :rofl:
can you find the kim thread now too?
more threads were deleted. wooooo
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