Full Version: Sofa King Tired
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I can't understand it. Even when I get plenty of sleep....I still feel used by about 4:30 every day.
starting all these threads MUST be tiring. i hear ya man.
Why, does starting 3 threads make YOU tired?
no, but reading yours does. :-p
boredom makes me tired more than actual work does.
I like boredom. I watched Office Space recently & it was so errily true, I can never watch it again. I want to do nothing. :-D
Have you seen my stapler? Undecided
if they move my desk one more time... I i i swear I'm gonna burn down the building
I'll write a letter to your board of tourism..... have your place condemned....
but i want a piece of cake
I was told that I could listen at a reasonable volume.
didn't you get the memo, we are putting cover sheets on all the TPS reports now, I'll see that you get the memo
Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks.
::change lanes:: :Confusedtop::
::change lanes:: :Confusedtop::
::change lanes:: :Confusedtop::
you know the nazis had pieces of flair that they made the jews wear
Nayeen.... nanijar.... Nayeenanijar
Coperate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment......
O O O O you know what I'm talkin about O
I've got a meeting with the Bob's
Get a room you two!
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