Full Version: why the fuck are some guys so creepy? - sheesh
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Shoot the spic.
Maybe you should sit in on her class one day.
she had to give a presentation the last week and she said he just stared at her the whole time. at the end of class she just ran out. now i'm going to walk her to class and wait outside when the class is over.
Yikes.....what an email. Try to get his pic so we know who we're laughing at Smile
... you gotta find this guy when he's with one of his buddies. Then throw the buddy against the wall and pull a 9mm out and put next to his skull. Pull the trigger and make sure the brains splatter against the wall. Watch the body hit the floor. Put the gun away, pull out a cigarette, light it, inhale, then go face to face with Hector and blow the smoke in his face. Then tell him "If you think about the name of my girlfriend, you will end up worse than your friend here." Walk away.

edit - but i dont smoke Undecided

Edited By HedCold on 1038117027
... you do now, buddy...
Seriously thought. That guy from California Dreams, Jake was a total fucking stud. And Kelly Packard was a piece of ass.

Not only that, but what's his name. The guy with all the plans, was really funny. That was a splendid show.
hangtime was still better
If I ever meet you, I will kill you to death on principle.
Quote:The guy with all the plans, was really funny. That was a splendid show.
Sly, yes he was, and yes it was.
teddy bear was great.
Sly. Yes. What a super character. Let us all bask in the glow of all things California Dreams.

Ponder that brownette guy and his sister who brought nothing to show.

No posting here until 2 AM
Whys that creepy? Maybe he doesn't know she's dating someone. Give the guy a break, he's in love. It should just make you cherish and respect her even more. All the guys want her and you have her.

You win! :thumbs-up:
Maynard sent that email, or one like it to someone else.

Let's all laugh at him.
Yeah, I wrote it, but I sent it to HedCold, not his girlfriend.

You've never said stuff like that from the heart?
I'm sorry for you.

I guess it just sucks to be Hector because she didn't feel the same way back.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I sent a letter like that once, and I laugh at myself becuase of it.

I'm sure the girl thought I was psycho and thought I wanted to cut her head off and stare at it all day becuase it was so pretty.

People like me deserved to be shitbeat.

You should stab him in the eye Hedcold.

That'll learn him
So what.....when guys are in love, they should say...

"Yo make my dick hard. Wanna come suck it?"
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