Full Version: why the fuck are some guys so creepy? - sheesh
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That's the same thing he told me danked. :disappointed:
So when he said she was really excited to meet me it was all a lie?

And no extra relish either? :disappointed:
i also would like a hotdog
i'm hungry :-(
me too man Undecided
ok, so screw bowling, we'll just have a board gathering at a hotdog stand. preferably one near a project pseudo show, so the kids can listen from outside while eating their hotdogs and the adults can go in and meet heidi klum :thumbs-up:
I wanna do a body shot off Heidi's boobies.

I'm gonna wear my nice Birkenstocks and load up on the patchouli.
i want crx to stop obsessing over keyser and get me a hotdog
me too - lots of kraut, please.
i'd like mustard, chili, and onions. thanks. :thumbs-up:
can you wait til may?
what's in may? :clueless:
in may, assuming i go work there again, i'll have access to many many hotdogs.... and burgers and salads too
Quote:in may, assuming i go work there again, i'll have access to many many hotdogs
You're a fluffer? :clueless:
i like hot dogs
heidi wants to have hot dogs with all of you this friday at Texas Arizona in Hoboken, where Project Pseudo will be performing.
are the hot dogs free?
Texas Arizona eh?

Road trip anyone?
i hear the path train stops right accross the street. njtransit trains too :thumbs-up:
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