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So then can VG and I come to your house with Gonzo?
sure...why not?
I should go skiing when I'm up there too, fbd.

Meet you at the peak of the mountain, DARSH!
I'm going to see Phish at MSG. SO FUCKING EXCITED!! Hopefully I'll be trippin ballz. Can't wait!!!
Confusedmokey: :toast: :fuggin: :-D :-p :banana:
Blah blah blah is all I here. Confusedneak:
I'm sure VT will be almost as much fun as seiing Phish. Oh wait, no it won't.
Blah blah blabbity blah.
nuthin :thumbs-up:
No plans....yet.
Going to my friend's house and having a anti-New Year's Eve....she's single and miserable, and well I'll just be miserable.
misery loves company Undecided
We'll get drunk, she'll cry about being single, and I'll cry about missing my boy :disappointed: Oh, and we're going to gorge ourselves! :bouncer:
Did her boyfriend break up with her on purpose? You know to get out of buying her a gift?

An old friend of mine use to do that shit every year like clockwork. He always made sure that she'd already bought his. Then after New Years they'd get back together.
No, she's not dumped, she's just single....she's the type that everyone will f' but no one will settle down with.
And why is that?
Because she's easy?
i'll be working. i volunteered to work, because i figured i wouldn't really have anything else to do, so i might as well be at a party and making some cash. although from what i've heard it won't be the kind of cash one would expect for working on new years :crackhead:

::pathetic self promotion alert::
if you don't have plans yet, and want to go to a bar in the city for the festivities... tickets are $100 in advance, 120 at the door. i know that seems like a lot, but i'd say it's a huge bargain for nye in nyc. included is open bar from 9-2 full buffet dinner, party favours and champagne toast at midnight. with any luck i'll at least have a few drinks on the house to make my evening go by a little quicker, but it would be nice to be with people other than strangers... :thumbs-up:
I say we have a bukkake party and use Gonzo as a sexual fluid sponge.
Quote:tickets are $100 in advance, 120 at the door.
Hey, can I borrow $100? :thumbs-up:
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