Full Version: Your new years plans
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A picture is worth a thousand words.


Polly stone cold PIMP!!!!
Just got a phone call a little while ago...found out that I'm now going to a house party at a friend's new place. He's also sleeping with my friend, but I assume that with a house full of people, they can't do too much f'ing.
Quote:with a house full of people, they can't do too much f'ing. wrong you are there!

it makes it all the more fun when you do it in a crowded place ;-)
You're friend blew it Polly. I was all prepared to bring you a couple gallons of alchohol to guzzle.
Wanna go to the house party OAS?
Quote:i'll be with the gmann at the mystery house.

You know you just wanna get me drunk and take advantage of me baby!!! :loveya:
so, if i give out blowjobs you'll throw down the hundred bucks for the new years party?
It'll probably rain with our luck tricia.
Quote:so, if i give out blowjobs you'll throw down the hundred bucks for the new years party?

Paperboy, you are so cheapining the seduction. :disappointed:

Gee Polly, all it took was a couple gallons of booze? :toast:
OAS making poor sexual innuendo in a thread. how refreshing!!
Quote:so, if i give out blowjobs you'll throw down the hundred bucks for the new years party?

sweet! to Hell with my friend's party!
Quote:so, if i give out blowjobs you'll throw down the hundred bucks for the new years party?

Make it $50 and I'll consider going !!! ;-)
i'll be on a cruise, can't wait to catch some sun and beach and boobies.
Crx,you should charge $150 for the BJs so you can get them in the door plus keep a little sum'n sum'n for yourself (besides a bad aftertaste).

The reaction after realising a cool 50 dollars can be made per head
yeah, that's it :thumbs-up:
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