Full Version: Your new years plans
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... I don't think I am doing anything.... want to go out? anyone?
please refer to my previous post. it's a good deal, open bar for 5 hours and dinner... please Undecided
Hopefully if all goes as I had planned, the plan was to take over my friends (whom shall remain nameless)house and party there. My friends and I took over this girl Maggies house last year casue her Aunt died just in time for NYE and left it to her. Hopefully, we'll be able to take over this persons house. :burnfucker:
no redrocks? :-p
i wish you'd told me a month ago before i decided it would be a good idea to work
I'm working a half a day new years eve. The evening i'll most likely watch a movie and drink alone.
Quote:no redrocks? I aint there enough ?? Red Rock on NYE is an option....been there 2 yrs ago for it and had a blast....only pain in the ass was getting a cab home. Nobody wanted to go to Queens !!!
It is an option though......
Quote:please refer to my previous post.
can you sneak me in the back for free?
doubtful. the owners of this place are assholes. the one guys father in law came for lunch and brought a whole bunch of his korean vet buddies after the veterans day parade and he didn't even comp him. what kind of man charges his own family for lunch?
yeah, you could be on to something there.
if someone wants me to tag along somewhere id like to do something, but im sure since im underaged ill be stuck by myself
You can come to my friend's house and be miserable with us, she doesn't mind people who are underaged, she's 27 and deflowered a 15 year old. :-o
... I'm sure we could find something to do amy.... :loveya:
sounds great jays...maybe i might wann break the rules a bit :loveya:
i'll be with the gmann at the mystery house.
No plans yet. Still waiting on the word from my ex as to whether or not he will be picking up my son. He probably won't let me know til the last minute, and it will be too late to make plans by then. Soooooo....probably just getting drunk at home.
I want to go to Polly's party. Her friend is easy. :thumbs-up:
Quote:she's easy?"
Quote:You can come to my friend's house and be miserable with us, she doesn't mind people who are underaged, she's 27 and deflowered a 15 year old.

Ok, I am hanging out with Polly and her friend :firebounce:

Edited By slackjaw on 1039881382
Anyone interested in being serviced by my friend, feel free to contact me :-) Of course, since she'll be getting some, and so will you, I expect you to bring me some alcohol to guzzle.
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