Full Version: Metal has let me down.
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oh no
oh no?
but I only treat if you put out!

anal gets ya Lobster!!!
yeah so Ken can give yah the crabs

oh no wuz for the lunch reference
well you can pay for my salad...

but can I toss it?
salad = case of the warts
Well you're paying for it so u gets to toss it.
strawberry or grape jelly
butterscotch pudding for dessert as well?
strawberry ...
wouldn't that be up to Ken since he is the tossee?
I think the noob,
is unfamiliar with the expression,

and is not aware of salad tossing.
Quote:butterscotch pudding for dessert as well?
in the park?
ok teach me the lauch laws here.
The Hot Lunch (aka Cleveland Steamer, aka Hot Carl)
When you're receiving a blow job from a position where you're crouched over her face on all fours and you drop a monster shit right onto her chest.
The Chili Dog
A variation of above where you proceed to titty-fuck her afterwards.
now tell her about salad tossing.
wait... forget lunch..
don't worry,
I am not into anything involving excrement.
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