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morning Metalfan :toast:
What's up there, snowball?
Good Evening Metalfan. Not much up now. Whatcha up to?
laughing my ass off at the turkey gobble position...!!!

Is there any oil vinegarette involvement in those positions or maybe the use of alphalfa sprouts. A hot salad can be interesting too ya know!
FUCK YOU KEN!!!! :fuckoff:

Good morning to everybody else
coffee metalfan?
Quote:coffee metalfan?

yes...thank you and make it a big one :thumbs-up:
I was let in by lamey for anybody who's been wondering :-p
who's lamey?
I think she means 'limey'.
Here are the quotes containing sweden

Prize, The (1963)
Andrew Craig: *I* thought Sweden was *neutral*.

Quick and the Dead, The (1995)
Kid: Am I fast, or is Sweden just a small place?

Største helte, De (1996)
Karsten: Hello Sweden! Here we come to fuck you!

Tapeheads (1988)
Mo Fuzz: This group is hotter than hot. They've sold more records in Sweden than Abba.

Thing, The (1982)
MacReady: Hey, Sweden!

Women, The (1939)
Maggie: The first man who can explain how he can be in love with his wife--and another woman--is gonna win that prize they're always giving out in Sweden.

Ögat (1998)
Fredrik Wall: It's got to be the first time somebody smuggle alcohol FROM Sweden.
Quote:yes...thank you and make it a big one

:rofl: @ LAMEY, yeah i meant limey sorry
i'm lame now? :-(
no she did not mean you were lame.. she made a mistake..
Happy Friday to all, except Ken of course
<marquee> :banana: :banana: :banana: </marquee>
:poke: crx girl.
early morning poking, huh? its always funny until someone loses an eye
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