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CDIH/Doors spelling bee, January 31.
bring it on :lol:
I am the only Doors representative allowed to play.
Happy Friday
yez indeed happy
'ello, luv. *pours* I'm pretty glad to see my final Friday of employment.

We need a coffeepot smiley. How are you today, dot?
DGW, I've been meaning to tell you not to eat White Castles. I think they are made from recovered murder victims.
That's what gives them the extra flavor....they just tell you its cuz they're grilled on onions :thumbs-up:
Quote:DGW, I've been meaning to tell you not to eat White Castles. I think they are made from recovered murder victims.

Even more reason to eat them! Just think, every time you bite down, it could be that kid from high school that you haven't seen in a few months...yum! :bouncer:
They are skimpy with the meat because partial mummification of bodies out in nature causes tissue dessication. I like the onions. What about the holes?
I hate everyone I ever went to high school with. I hope they are murder victims.
Me too, that's why it would be so cool to eat them.
the holes are eye sockets...sinus cavities....stuff like that :-)
Quote:'ello, luv. *pours* I'm pretty glad to see my final Friday of employment.

We need a coffeepot smiley. How are you today, dot?
very good.. u? *sips*
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