Full Version: I don't want to do this anymore....
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I'm tired of fighting with everyone.

Gomez, Arpi, Hybrid... you guys are right. This is your board. Alienate whoever you so wish too.

To the new members... This is your board, fight with whomever you want, make peace with whomever you want, leave or stay if you want. Just don't let someone else dictate your preference please.

To everyone else... This is your board. Post however and whatever you feel like (with the exception of the no nudity in the pit rule)

This is not a goodbye, this is not an "I'm stepping down" thread. Its just a proclomation (sp?) of my dying will to fight.

All in all, this board has been about what the members wanted. Lets keep it that way, while just remembering that the new members are members too.
Quote:Its just a proclomation (sp?) of my dying will to fight.
What were you fighting for in the first place? :clueless:
We all get to this point sooner or later Jack. It's inevitable.
Quote:What were you fighting for in the first place?

At this point.. I don't know anymore. Being sick has made me irritable.
[quote]Being sick has made me irritable. [\quote]
:poke: :poke:
i didnt alienate anybody. i made one of the NICE threads towards them.
Quote:i didnt alienate anybody. i made one of the NICE threads towards them.

I was referring to the pic of baker. If you want to post it, thats your perogative. I'm not going to moderate that stuff anymore. This is your board.

As far as I am concerned, I just want to have fun and laugh again. It's been a while since I laughed.
oh god. you need to go buy a puppy or something to keep you company. you're very dramatic.
Yes laughing is good.

But I still don't think it's ok to post other people's picture without their permission.

Isn't that one of the things that unleashed the dogs of Hell on Lent?
I admire you, Jack, & you're one of the several people whose posts I appreciate consistently.

I did want the real response. In this place it is hard to see what's kidding and what's sincere. I tend to think it's mostly humor, but still... if not, who wants it?

Anyway. Thanks, & I hope you feel better. Drink lots of juice. It would probably help you to have frequent sex, if you can.

Send me a map & I'll see what I can do.'s close to impossible to figure out when someone's being sarcastic and when they're not in just words.

But you get to know people after awhile and realize who's a joker and who's a mega prick.
Quote:But you get to know people after awhile and realize who's a joker and who's a mega prick.

I'm still trying to figure this one out... :moonie:
Quote:I admire you, Jack, & you're one of the several people whose posts I appreciate consistently.

I did want the real response. In this place it is hard to see what's kidding and what's sincere. I tend to think it's mostly humor, but still... if not, who wants it?

Anyway. Thanks, & I hope you feel better. Drink lots of juice. It would probably help you to have frequent sex, if you can.

Send me a map & I'll see what I can do.

Oooooooooo. What am I?
stfu stoner prick
Danked is a mega prick.
Hybrid just teases me cause he loves me. I'm his #1 fan.
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