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eat at the diner Saturday?

I had a snickers crunch bar on the parkway. :bouncer:
saturday night i had japanese again.

so how was your snickers crunch? :thumbs-up:
A cheddar cheese omelette. But I regret not getting the Happy Waitress..
Was she unhappy that you got the omlette?

My snickers was yummy, it sat quite nice on top of the White Diamond burger and onion rings, and all the beer I had earlier in the evening.
The Happy waitress was always happy, duh.
nothing :fuggin:
How was your "tea" Ladi?


oh, and I didn't go to the DINER, I thought this said what did you eat for DINNER :crackhead:
Was the waitress topless?
Wipe the sleepies out of your eyes and read it again Ladi. :-p
I had a burger and cottage cheese.
Did you have the cottage cheese ON the burger?? :crackhead:
cheezeburger cheezeburger cheezeburger

and you didn't wnat to see the waitress topless
Wheat-free? or Atkins?
Did we ever get poppers from Bonnie?
I don't think anyone had any poppers.

I had a grilled cheese with tomato and a side of fries. Good eatin'. someone fill me in in 500 words or less, what happened at the diner. Please be specific.
No. Lucky the snack bar was on the other side of the place, so I didn't even see Bonnie.

And my Happy Waitress wasn't so happy. Undecided
Quote:Did you have the cottage cheese ON the burger??

Nope, next to it.
Quote:Wheat-free? or Atkins?
Atkins after 8 p.m. someone fill me in in 500 words or less, what happened at the diner. Please be specific.
i'm not sure that's possible. and i was thinking about the happy waitress but i had chicken fingers instead. and a few fries that i stole of someone's plate. and no, please don't make me thing about the waitress being topless. thanks.
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