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mainly Jack, I'll try and check in tonight (assuming I can tie up the fucking phone line).
and hey - what's wrong with me holding down the fort? Confusedneak:
phish sucks.

i was asked if i wanted to go...but i despise jam bands.

I could take anyone else trashing my boys, but you... not you...

< /3

Edited By Danked on 1046115403
Quote:The forgotten mod.
it's ok, I forget Keyser is a mod too, so whe's not alone
Don't feel bad

Keyser's not really a mod

So you're technically not forgetting him
Quote:But Gonzo abandoned us

You're leaving us here with Jack and Goatweed :-(

But.. I've been a good admin lately. :-(
You can't even stand on your hands for two seconds!!!

This place will crumble without me! I should just sell my tickets for tonight!
Don't make me be the Nazi Jack. I like being the kinder gentler Jack better. You won't like me as the Nazi Jack.
the words "kinder, gentler" always make me think of a petting zoo - isn't that odd?

I can't stand on my hands either - I'm so not athletic, it's disgusting.
I can stand on one hand and sieg heil with the other!

Can you do that?
Stop being mean. Undecided
You can't tell a hippie to stop being mean.

We just can't help ourselves.
But I thought hippies were all about the love man. Wheres the love?
What kind of freaky hippies have you been hanging out with?

They're all about hate and violence
and they smell - bad.
I confess.. I know no hippies. :-(
I once tucked a pretty flower in the barrel of a policeman's rifle during a peace-in....

I don't think Danked is mod material anymore.
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