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Et tu, Brute
Quote:I could take anyone else trashing my boys, but you... not you...

< /3

awwww fuck..look what i did now.

im sorry.

<3 me please.
i am not a mod, i am not an admin, i am the walrus.
coo coo ca choo
You'll never guess who came out during the first set!

Go ahead... try to guess!
Quote:SO SAY IT!

I'm sure the suspense is killing everybody!
No, you have to guess!
BB King

Edited By FNMoron on 1046154738
No, this guy's been around longer. Music legend.
look up.... i edited :fuggin:
Rat bastard. Who told you!?!?!?

It was so sweet, man. BB Motherfucking King. :firebounce:
i iz smart.... what do i win?
Undecided c'mon.... i win something right :-(
Co-modship of the Stoner Forum!!!

co mod with who.... Hybrid's mia :disappointed:
I'd miss you Trisha

ooo goo ball, I want one

BB King? :disappointed: oooooooo :thumbs-up:
BB mutha fucking KING!!!!!

that must've been teh kewlest!
So the show was allright, but not the best I've ever seen. First set was good and the second seemed to be a bit off. BB King was a highlight, though a bit reserved in his playing during the first tune. He played The Thrill Is Gone, which was just so so sick. I boogied myself out for that one and then smoked way too much the rest of the night. I was winded. Phish seemed like they were coasting last night. A lot of familiar standard tunes, they didn't really challenge themselves I thought. I was thinking that maybe Trey's monitor blew somewhere during the second set, because all of a sudden, he was way off the beat. Either that, or he got a little too fucked up during set break. I know the feeling. Too much weed handed our way then. I was in a daze for the rest of the show.
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