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Danked's true evil side is starting to show - I knew he wasn't to be trusted!
Danked is to be praised, not judged by you mere mortals
We must band together Goaty. We can fight the good fight and head off his evil plot.

Or we could just turn our computers off and not worry about it.

I think I'll go with option 2..
No you won't
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor, and surviving.
Do you think my methods are unsound?
I want grilled cheese, got any?
I can probably get 3 for a dollar tonight!!!

I'm hungy
Come hang out on the lot! You can get a goo ball too!
I don't even know what that is :-(
Any combination of chocolate, peanut butter, some sort of breakfast cereal, nuts, coconuts, etc... and marijuana.
That sounds, ahem, interesting
Doesn't it though. If I buy one, I save it for breakfast the next day.

Breakfast of champions!
would anyone even notice if i just logged off and never came back?

can you get me a gooball danked
First person that asks me gets a goo ball!
didn't i just ask?
Anyone? No one? Fine!

I get two!!!
Can I have one

I'm still hungry Undecided
Sorry, nobody made it by the deadline.

(Sure, pal.)
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