Full Version: So I get the mail today...
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Can we get off the sugar, the sugar is not the point here ok.

Ask for fucking coffee, the point is to see what she looks like
after you fuck her,
ask her for some shoes.
before or after they shoot him?

oo oo he can shuffle thru the bushes, that'll go over just as well
Quote:he can shuffle thru the bushes

is that slang for "eat her out"?
Well if he was thinking of bringing her the letter anyway, I don't think that's really that big a concern.
"pardon me, but I read you mail & thought you'd fuc me to get it back" :loveya: ooo yeah
she probably can't read, so you could just tell her it says in the letter to "fuck the guy that gives her the letter" then its all nicey-nice
Dear Ladi,

I have missed you so much since I have been gone. You are so pretty. and so funny. god but I love you....
Oh yeah baby I could use some timberlands. I don't have the model number but you know the ones I likes. Not steel toed. Hate those. Want the leather laces, and the natural leather uppers. With the thick rubber soles. The ones that have the gelled instep,

Yeah baby if you get those shoes for me...
it would be great.
Quote:Dear Ladi,

I have missed you so much since I have been gone. You are so pretty. and so funny. god but I love you....
Oh yeah baby I could use some timberlands. I don't have the model number but you know the ones I likes. Not steel toed. Hate those. Want the leather laces, and the natural leather uppers. With the thick rubber soles. The ones that have the gelled instep,

Yeah baby if you get those shoes for me...
it would be great.

:insert really cheezy porno music here:
You definitely have to go to the house to at the very least see what this chick looks like....I mean seriously who waits for a guy in JAIL?!
Quote:How plush your life is, you live in a place where borrowing sugar isn't a weird thing that rich folks do.
I could walk to any one of my neighbors and borrow sugar, that's weird?

I thought there was a picture of them, don't you know what she looks like?
you do realize this act is punishable by law :-o

Edited By DGW on 1046724514
Please, I steal people's mail all the time! I love reading letters and then putting them back out at the mailboxes....
Quote:thought there was a picture of them, don't you know what she looks like
picture of the sneakers ... I mean, come on, the man has priorities :crackhead:
Polly I'm sure your future employers would like to know this
itz gonna cost you :poke:
:poke: What's it gonna cost me?
i'll pass on the first born

i could definatley use a massage
batting cages took a toll on me :thumbs-up:
But but what if you have cooties?!
you'd be lucky to get my cootiez
That's not what I heard.....
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