Full Version: So I get the mail today...
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what about condomz?
sugar is easy
I don't like condoms, so I wouldn't have the need to borrow those.
but on one nite standz and such
yah pop a hat on the jimmie
One night stands generally would never be at my house, it's way too far from anything. So then I wouldn't be near a neighbor to borrow a condom. :-D
If she's so hideous, can you imagine what he looks like....if he allegedly masturbates to her nightly?! :lol:
No, I never imagined what he looks like.
Good answer.
I did buy myself new sneakers yesterday, maybe I can mail him the shoebox.

With the fuckin huge boats I wear he can make a seperate room out of it. Or I can put my raggy old torn shoes in there.
Oh sure your buying new sneakers when you cant get your mom a birthday card!!!!!!!

Nigga check yourself...
My sneakers were torn in the front, the looked they were puppets with moving mouths. I only paid 35 bucks for them, I did eventually get her a card though... I printed one off the internet.
Quote:I printed one off the internet
Classy... Rolleyes
It was from the heart.
True the thought is what matters most...
Like the pretty letter you wrote me :loveya:

I got it today, I am gonna frame it, shoulda used a fresh sheet of paper though, I can't frame both sides.
Letter? What about the check!?

Where's our beer money?
the letter was so deep, I bet tomato boy got someone else to write it.

He even autographed it.
:-( you makin fun of my letter...
I was gonna start a sequel to "I got the mail today" just for tomato boy.

I put it in my checking account, I'll write you out a check for a pabst blue ribbon.
PBR eh? Why not get Natty Light? It's cheaper...
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