Full Version: So I get the mail today...
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wordz hurt
Fine, I don't think you have cooties....
Quote:"pardon me, but I read you mail & thought you'd fuc me to get it back"

I said he should get his mack on

This is not getting your mack on

This is being a bumbling idiot who just discovered his penis and wants to stick it in something

Please people, this is not that difficult
ok, how do you explain know her address? hope to know the name of someone she might know & say, yeah he gave me your name, thought we would hit it off?

Hi, I'm not a Jehovah's Witness or anything... but I was wondering...

Hey baby, I saw you in the window & couldn't help myself

Quote:I could walk to any one of my neighbors and borrow sugar, that's weird?

That's not weird for you but it is for me. It's something friendly cracker ass motherfuckers do, I am not trying to be black here. I just mean white like in brady bunch white. We don't do that shit around here.

You knock on someones door here askin for sugar, you are either new in the neighborhood or you're buying coke.
So I didn't have to go in tonight till 9 to do inventory. I went down two blocks and figured why the fuck not. I knocked on her door, the apt # was on the envelope. This hideous beast of a woman answers the door, I ask if her name is Larissa, which is the chicks name on the letter, she says no. I sigh in relief, I ain't actually planning on doin nothing cause I dislike russian women but I was curious. So thankfully I think that wasn't her, then larissa comes.

Now I know what kind of a woman waits for some spic in jail, this fuckin sasquatch comes to the door. This was not just a hairy bitch, this was a fuckin hairy ass nasty bitch. She looked like ron jeremy from the 70's times 3. I told her I didn't look at the address and just opened the letter and felt it was important and brought it over. She thanked me and asked if I wanted coffee, she couldn't have had any blueberry coffee so I split.

Fuckin wildebeast.

I am never listening to you ass clowns again.
Fuckin bitch looked like a life-size brillo pad.

She looked like the sasquatch from that 70's home movie they say is big foot.
<div align="center"> :clueless: [Image: Bigfoot.jpg] :clueless: </div>
That's how I looked when she dragged her knuckles to the door.
Quote:She thanked me and asked if I wanted coffee, she couldn't have had any blueberry coffee so I split.

dude, even if she did it wouldn't have been worth it. That's pretty fuckin' funny though :lol:
you did it all wrong. You should have typed up a letter to send back to the dude, saying "i couldn't wait for you any long so i am pregnant with your friend Julio's baby. Oh yeah, they didn't have the shoes, so I am sending you some 1997 Patrick Ewing shoes. That's all they had."
Quote:Fuckin bitch looked like a life-size brillo pad.
didn';t they arrest that guy over the weekend?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If she had the blueberry coffee I woulda stayed, I ain't too picky anyway. Just when you expect gold and all you get is tin, you get dissapointed.
The only reason i could go to any of my neighbors asking for sugar is because everyone here has lived in these houses for 20+ years. Everyone is friendly enough to do that. I wouldn't go up to someone's house i'd never met and ask for sugar.
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