Full Version: Should We Go To War With Iraq? - Time To Choose.
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where are the 25 dollar servers, I want one too.
I fucking hate GW. Looking at him makes me wanna go beat someone. Today was the deadline, and he pussied out. Now he's giving Saddam 48 hours to get out of the country. Then what, in 2 days he'll give him more time? The world is all laughing at us.
actually, I think in 48 hours, if he's not gone, the bombs start to fly. We can't just start lobbing them over, setting the 48 hour deadline makes us look "formal", almost like "we really don't wanna do this, but here it comes" - if that makes any sense.
he looked very funny during that speech
he looked like an elf, and tired.
He always looks funny. His eyes are too close together and they make him look shady.

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on 1047976149
"innocent" arab babies will be dying by the end of the week and I am happy.
Quote:"innocent" arab babies

You mean future terrorists and suicide bombers right?

Quote:will be dying by the end of the week and I am happy.

:toast: :lol: :rofl: :banana: Better them than us.
my worry is that if we kill off all the innocent arab babies, who will george bush the third bicker with when he is elected?
Quote:my worry is that if we kill off all the innocent arab babies, who will george bush the third bicker with when he is elected?

Canada? That could be fun.
Quote:my worry is that if we kill off all the innocent arab babies, who will george bush the third bicker with when he is elected?
I beleive that Saddam should not have to disarm. We've left many a ruler in charge who have been much more hellbent on killing their own people. The only reason this one is not allowed is that we don't like past supporters to not follow our directions, and b/c of the high oil content of the region that hangs in the balance. This war is been thrown down our throats in the most insulting fashion. They are doing what the UN "failed to do". No, actually, we did not like that we did not have the vote swing our way and we are cowboying it. And, I don't really care if we turn Iraq to dust. My main problem is ruining the NATO alliance over oil. It is more important to have a unified front during terroristic times than some ridiculous side-war to Iraq.

We had the world unified behind us on our war on terrorism. Yet we left that at the alter, and then found a mistress, and somehow we are outraged that nobody likes this "new" old flame. Bad administration planning and policy.

Edited By Gooch on 1048092037
Quote:The only reason this one is not allowed is that we don't like past supporters to not follow our directions, and b/c of the high oil content of the region that hangs in the balance

I think the best point that Gooch makes, which is a major reason why I question the reason for this war is the multiple countries all over the world that have been and continue to ignore basic human rights.

If you think this war is about liberating the Iraqi people you are beyond naive. What about civil rights violations in countries we have sweet economic ties with?
Do we really need a reason to go to war with these "people"?
nope...we don't need a reason. however, if we want to keep NATO alliances, and our tentative relationships with russia & china intact, we better have a good one. As William F. Buckley points out accurately...France hasn't seen eye-to-eye with us in years. Germany's leadership got voted into power with an anti-american we can not really sweat those two countries. China and Russia, however, are a problem, and will even be more so if there are further issues or needs in capturing Osama, or with North Korea b/c we basically ignored them with Iraq.
We're not ignoring N Korea, we'd like them to think we're ignoring them, but we're not ignoring them.

You can't just back Kim Jong-Il into a corner like you can Saddam, he's no pushover and no fool. We're focusing on him, we're just no broadcasting it to the world, a good friend of mine is currentlly stationed in Korea, and they are all on high alert, just watching what Kim Jong-Il is doing.

Our military isn't stupid, they realise that we broadcast far too many of our tactics to the world, so they're playing it safe and not letting any information out.
I hope they die anyway.
Global Thermal Nuclear now....fuck it
that would be just excellent..
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