Full Version: Should We Go To War With Iraq? - Time To Choose.
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The whole point is that we can't go into N. Korea like we did iraq, because first of all with iraq we tried 12 years to disarm them. Secondly if we go and talk to them, then that sets the precident that to get out attention, start breaking treaties and ordinances. That's like buying a kid a toy that he wants just to shut him up, he will just nag you everytime till he gets what he wants.

Iraq wasn't forced down our throats, he tried to take over kuwait in 90, we stepped in, rightfully so in my opinion. The war ended, he agreed to the terms and conditions, then started breaking them days after he signed them. The conditions of his surrender didn't let him possess these weapons, then a UN resoultion came into play that also said he couldnt have these weapons.

The only difference was that between the bushes, we had a president who was uninterested. That gave saddam the greenlight to basically throw a party while the parents are away. The parents came home, 12 fuckin years he has swindled, lied and done it all while laughing in the face of the US, The UN and everyone else.

I can't honestly see why people don't see that, I dunno why it all has to be "Waa waa it's about oil"

Yes other hostile countries may possess weapons. But to basically say, we can't do this here cause look over there. That will give everyone the go ahead to do the same, then what? The other countries didnt sign agreements to not arm themselves, the other countries haven't had 12 years of chances to comply. Saddam wouldn't be a pimple on our ass if he simply just followed his promises and didn't start something he couldn't finish.
confirmed American soldiers captured and being held in Iraq. Video to prove it.
The video is so bad that they won't air it here. All they are saying is that when they showed it to the pentagon, they were lockjawed in their anger and that the video is extremely "gruesome" and that the soldiers looked very scared while being "interrogated".
It'll be on the net soon enough
Some of the P.O.W's have been executed and they are showing their bodies on TV over there. They are interrogating the others with the bodies next to them, that's fuckin ugh... I just don't even know man.

Fuckin protestors say some shit now about how great saddam and his people are.
i never thought i'd be wanting more coverage on the network channels. but who the fuck cares about golf? i'm now getting all my information from you guys
One of the POW's is a woman.
Fred Durst gave oral to Britney Spears.
Fred Durst got dissed by Courtney Love, that was sad.

But not as bad as Christina dissing Justin before they go off on a tour together. "Why am I always romantically linked to guys I don't find attractive like Justin Timberlake?"
al-jazeera's website is also broadcasting the whole thing.

Yet for some reason, I can't access the website which is supposedly
Cause you're not a real muslim, duh!!

I'd assume their site is being bombed (no pun) right now.

they also have <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
<---------- still hasn't voted yet.
That line is so tainted that even you can't make it work.
theres a picture of a childs head split completely open on

i know we are supposed to be sparing hundreds of thousands of lives by taking a few, but seeing something like that makes it all seem real, and not numbers on a television screen. i hope they somehow accomplish what they set out to do as soon as possible with as few lives sacrificed as possible.
I love how people need pictures to get the point. Like people can hear that saddam has killed 2 million people but they see one dead body and then it becomes a travesty.

Saddam was a cute baby once too.
Al Jazeera needs to school Fox News on sensationalism. They take the no spin zone to a completely new level.
I bet Saddam was an ugly brown baby with pock marks
He is a rather handsome man, I doubt it.
and the big thick porn mustache probably didn't help either.
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