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Hitler ruined a moustache for the world, saddam made one popular through out all the world, even if you have to have it by law if you live in Iraq.
apparently zach dela rocha made an anti war song thats on his website...anyone know what it is?

NEWS - Zack De La Rocha Releases Iraqi War Song

(3/23/03, 7 a.m. ET) -- Former Rage Against The Machine frontman Zack De La Rocha has released his first song via the Internet in response to what he believes is an unjust war in Iraq. The first post-RATM song is titled "March Of Death," and it is available at his website to download for free. The music was made in collaboration with DJ Shadow.

De La Rocha wrote in a statement: "Without just cause or reason, without legal or moral justification, and without a thread of proof that Iraq directly threatens the security of the Unites States, the Bush administration has headed to war. As I am writing this, bombs are raining on the defenseless civilians in Baghdad in a continuation of a policy that has already taken one million innocent Iraqi people. People just like us who want democracy, but find themselves cornered by a dictator on one side and naked U.S. aggression on another, and the oil beneath their country for which it appears they are to be massacred."

De La Rocha is not a fan of President George W. Bush, as the lyrics to "March Of Death" suggest: "This man child, ruthless and wild/Who gonna chain this beast back on the leash?/This Texas furor/For sure a/Compassionless con who serve a lethal needle to the poor/The cure for crime is murder?"

There's no word as to whether the song will be on De La Rocha's forthcoming solo album, which is due later this year.

-- Darren Davis, New York
No one cares about his opinion anymore. Now if Chris Cornell made an anti-war song, I might have a change of heart.
i just want to hear how crappy his new music is going to sound
we....ahh....killed 1 million Iraqis?

Where was I when this happened?

Isn't that like 10% of their entire population?
wow, who would have thought that would be his website. What a brilliant and resourceful man you must be to find that Keyser.

Either that, or HedCold is an imbecile.
no and yes
well excuse me for not trying the obvious
and the song sucks as expected
Better than Audioslave
better than soundgarden's last album
so then I'm not the only one who thinks Cornell has a horrible insomnia-curing voice?
It's so cool to sing where no one understands the lyrics, get with the times old man.
you heart Dylan
I heart only galt and danked, the funny kings.
Quote:Hitler ruined a moustache for the world, saddam made one popular through out all the world
Funny I thought Ron Jeremy did that he probably invaded Kuait, or at least a girl named Kuait.
Taylor St Clair is about as ravaged as Kuwait.
Quote:so then I'm not the only one who thinks Cornell has a horrible insomnia-curing voice?
I cannot stand him
Like that's a surprise. Do you have any original opinions, or do you just wait until I voice something and latch on?
Did you ever pick up a bar stool and threaten Gonzo with bodily harm?
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