Full Version: Classic albums and their art...
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it's KoRn

Wrong, you have to flip the R too

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1050515077
yo Danked... :lookatme: ...i have a bunch (maybe a dozen) for you to add... i won't post them all here 'cuz i don't feel like loading them to a server & linking, you may already have some of them... but IM me next time you see me on AIM & i'll send you a zip file with all of them... :fuggin:

Edited By FNMoron on 1050557645
oh... and for the record, i also think that there should be more than one album cover up there at a time... maybe have 3 different ones up there at a time.... it'd kinda be like our own little Noise Pollution Slot Machine... of course you'd probably have to set up 3 seperate image randomizers, otherwise it would always show the same three... still, it'd be nice to see more than one at a time... just this moron's opinion...
i like that idea.

you are so full of em lately
it was my idea first! :21:

yeah if possible, i'd split up the covers and put a third into each of 3 different randomizers, that way you would get 3 different ones every time.

Edited By criticslovesnatch on 1050566414
No can do at the moment. I only have one name on Hosted Scripts and they have closed membership for the time being. Unless someone wants to give me access to an account they no longer use.

Moron - I don't really have AIM on during the day, but I'll keep an eye out for you.

Edited By Danked on 1050582921
Also I was concerned about putting too many seperate images in the header of one of our main forums. If people don't have a problem with it and Hosted Scripts allows me to register again (the website says they'd start sign ups again in a couple of weeks), I'll add two more.
i'll take one for the team and let you use my account temporarily until they reopen. just give me a holla.
If you want you don't have to send me your password. Just send me the random tag and I'll send you the addys for the album images to put under your account.
:loveya: who put up tori-under the pink? :loveya:
smoochies to you. :loveya:
Is it taking awhile for the images to load? Undecided
for me it is, yes (at home on cable)
[Image: simp03.jpg]
I blame hosted scripts.

And Jack.
Pictures were loading pretty normally the past couple of days.

So anyone have a dormant hostedscripts account I could hijack?
[Image: vaya.jpg]
You should now see two images at once on the forum page. :thumbs-up:
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