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Bah! I had two Paul Simon - Gracelands but then a Rush album popped up.

So close. :17:

50, dre & bad brains.

that was a prize.
$10,000 Jackpot if you hit three Velvet Underground - Loaded.
god Damn you hippie.... i've been playing for the last 20 minutes... so far i've hit a few doubles....
<div align="center">[Image: 1051500326675_cap1.jpg]

[Image: 1051500325997_cap2.jpg]

[Image: 1051500325398_cap3.jpg]

[Image: 1051500324897_cap4.jpg]

...and then... after not getting any matches for like 5 minutes straight of refreshing... i hit this... :fuggin:

[Image: 1051500324393_cap5.jpg]</div> i win anything???? :26:
the phish 3 play was nice
...but do i win anything????? :clueless:
anal with dru.
Nice. :4:
I didn't feel like reading this whole you have TOOL's albums and A Perfect Circle's album??
Some I can't tell by their names. Post their image links and if I don't have them, I'll upload them.
[Image: opiate.jpg] <---Opiate
[Image: undertow.jpg] <---Undertow
[Image: aenima.jpg] <----Aenima
[Image: lateralus.jpg] <----Lateralus

And the Perfect Circle one...
[Image:] <-----Mer De Noms

Edited By 2 tired 2 give N F on 1051539680
All new... I'll upload them when I get the chance.
:4: :thumbs-up: :5:
[Image: alienantfarm-anthology.jpg]
[Image: nickelback-silversideup.jpg]
please do not add those last 2. thx!
you should be banned for suggesting those

that was a poor suggestion

Quote:anal with dru.

luckily "who's ass" wasn't clarified
i dunno if these are up there yet. go ahead & critisize if you must

[Image: B0000071MW.01._PE_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg]
[Image: B00005Q6IJ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
[Image: B00000AEFF.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
[Image: B00000I8U0.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
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