Full Version: Classic albums and their art...
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[Image: B000001FTF.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]

[Image: B000000JO3.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
My my... the work is just piling up in this thread. :9:

With these new ones, we have more than 100 in the rotation. :5:
i think the minor threat one is already there
Thank you, Tori.
tee hee
Everything's uploaded.
I was way off. Total of 139 images. :26:
[Image: B000068VSV.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
the 1st glassjaw cd is way better
I was just about to go to bed. :29:
w/t is awesome too. it just takes time to love it as much.
[Image: B00004SCYA.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
since when do you like glassjaw?
since you used your cum to spell it on her tummy
haha wow
I refuse to upload any more pictures on the grounds that I don't feel like it. :12:
yea, its such a long and strenuous process :21:
Shrink every image. In most cases rename them. Upload them to Yahoo. Change the links in Weird's HostedScripts account. Change the links in Moron's HostedScripts account. Change the links in my Hosted Scripts account. 139 images.


I'll do it later.
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