Full Version: NBA Playoffs - Go Knicks.....wait, what?
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Quote:yes they did.... the Kings looked pathetic... it was almost painful to watch...

You have no idea how painful it was.... I couldn't even finish watching the game.

If we lose Webb and Jackson, we might as well bend over and grab our ankles for the rest of the series. :30:

It was a sad evening in the kindred household last night.... :9:
Quote:It was a sad evening in the kindred household

cause no one was there pounding your ass like the mav's did to the kings.
webber out for the playoffs
It was so great to see the Lakers finally fucking lose. Did anyone see Kobe crying during his interview with Jim Gray? God that was funny as Hell. :11:
The whole bar was making fun of Kobe last night.
"What's a matter? You need an even number of rings so one hand isn't heavier than the other?"
im sure he could buy a ring...
Yeah I had a bunch of people all telling me how 'touching' it was to see kobe so emotional. How bad they felt for him when he cried.

Yeah the fuckin kid is 24 years old, he has 3 championship rings, he is a millionare, he plays in the premiere city of play, fame beyond belief and he has a hot wife.

My hearts bleeding.
Gotta take your hat off to Chauncy Billips even though i want him DEAD!!
Iverson has a whole summer to take his hat off now.
someone will probably shoot it off
Iverson > God
and neither are making the finals.
Everyone was stoked for a rematch with the Lakers and Kings and now neither are making the conference finals.

Kinda like last year when everyone was waiting for the Yanks and Oakland to meet in the playoffs and Anaheim and The Twins had other plans.

So instead of a Cali finals it's a texas finals.
I'm mad that there will be no Lakers Kings rematch

I'm happy that Robinson is having this success, and I'm glad Duncan is proving why he deserved that MVP
Since the Maloof brothers are out of it, I want Mark Cuban, the richest person in the playoffs to win the whole thing.
I want Mark Cuban to die

If I have to see him do his little happy dance again I'm gonna puke
Quote:I'm mad that there will be no Lakers Kings rematch

I'm pissed that the Kings actually had a chance without having to get past the Lakers this year. God dammit!

Again, another sad night in the kindred household.... :-(
Can't blame the kings, I am amazed they made a game 7 with losing webber.

No matter how much you despise Mark Cuban you gotta admit he is fun to watch. Plus he turned a dismal team into a contender, look back a few years ago when the mavs were the laughingstock of the NBA. They were to the NBA what the Tigers are to Baseball, 20 win seasons were a joyus occasion in Dallas. Now a good team that supposedly had no depth and wasnt gonna make it past the 1st round, then the 2nd are now in the western conference finals, a place the lakers and kings are not.
The nets are making a cakewalk out of this eastern conference. 8 wins in a row for them. I think if they play dallas in the finals they can beat them, it it's san antonio, they don't have enough to stop duncan.
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