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... I dunno about cakewalk.... the last two games were decided by only two points, with the tide turning to the Nets in the final minutes. The next two games are ones where I expect the Detroit defense to really make the Nets stumble....

I forsee the Spurs taking their second championship this year in 5 games.....
Quote:... I dunno about cakewalk.... the last two games were decided by only two points, with the tide turning to the Nets in the final minutes. The next two games are ones where I expect the Detroit defense to really make the Nets stumble....

Yep, it's a cakewalk. 9 games in a row. I am not a Nets fan, but I will say Kenyon Martin is my favorite player in the NBA. The funny thing if the Knicks and Nets traded uniforms and arenas, the Nets would be the biggest story in NY now. With a core of Kidd, Jefferson and Martin, the Nets can be good for a long time.
The Nets are taking it all.

End of story.
not if they score 80 points a game.

But they do have the best chance they have ever had this year with the lakers and kings out. Duncan may not be exciting like K Mart but 30 points, 20 boards and 5 blocks are just sick numbers.
Duncan = zzzzzZZZZzZzzzzZzZzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZZzzz
I agree, if it was a contest of style, emotion and boom shakalaka, K Mart wins. But if duncan continues putting up the sick numbers, the spurs beat the nets.
Who says the Spurs make the finals?
Says nowitski's ankle.
Oh no...

What did I miss?

Damn I was gonna say knee, I wasn't sure.
I was watching the game with no sound, I couldn't tell for sure.
actually at first i think they were reporting his ankle, then found out his knee
well either way the spurs in 5 just like I called it. Maybe the mavs get lucky and win one more but I doubt it.

Gotta admit everyone wants to see the best get beat but then you realize why they were the best. It just ain't as exciting with the lakers and kings gone. Just like I always see in boxing, everyone wants to see the champ lose, especially a cocky one like for example Roy Jones or Delahoya. But afterwards you realize how great they were to watch and how more exciting they are. Unless ofcourse its another person or team of the same caliber.

I'd like to see the nets win only cause of the emotion and heart that team has.
Dirk still might play tonight they are saying. But even if he does how effective will he be? I took the Spurs in the series and i doubt Dallas wins another game.
I just can't take even picturing it if dallas wins, the entire NBA will stink of Mark Cubans farts for the next decade.

I like cuban and find him to be just what the sport needs in an owner but I don't want him winning any time soon.
Nets in 6 if they face the Spurs.
A healthy Dallas in 5 if they make it.
I don't get why everyone is acting like the spurs are trash and dallas is great. Yeah duncan is boring to watch but he gets shit done, day in day out.

Dallas barely made it in the first round, took 7 games after they were up 3-0. Then they beat a sarcamento team that was minus chris webber, also took 7. The spurs cruised past the first round and beat the lakers in 6, with both shaq and kobe playing. This series shoulda been 3-0 but the spurs fucked up in game one but it is still 2-1.

I would like to see the nets win I dont know if they can but they do have a shot this year with jefferson and martins play becoming top tier. Plus ofcourse no one is stopping Kidd. They will probably own the spurs in transition cause they are just so much faster, plus the centers even out. Detroit just has such a great defense which keeps the scores low, cause their offense is weak.

It will be interesting hopefully with the nets in it.
Well it might be boring right now but the finals will be far more interesting than in past years, I mean come on did anyone really expect a different outcome the last 3 years during the finals? But this year it's gonna be a Hell of alot closer and more exciting.
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