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dont start jumping on the bandwagon. A few posts ago you were high on the nets. Might be a sweep.
I said I see it going either way, I was always one of the few who defended Duncan. I could see either winning a 7 game series, I highly doubt a sweep.

But I always said yes he is boring but he is the most reliable player in the league, Tim Duncan.
Quote:I could see either winning a 7 game series, I highly doubt a sweep.

I orginally predicted Spurs in 6. after the 3rd quarter last night i was saying sweep. the nets went over 6 minutes without a basket. you not gonna beat the spurs like that. duncan is gonna have his 35 and 20 everynight. why werent the nets double and triple teaming him? did jason kidd forget how to pass the ball? can you say John Starks?????????????
I doubt kidd is gonna go 2 for 17 every game, the guy can't shoot we all know this. If Kidd could shoot he wouldn't be putting up triple doubles seemingly every night. Kidd creates shots, he took a lot of bad shots and made a lot of bad passes. If Kidd has a bad night everyone else does because he creates their opportunities.

I think the nets win game 2. It always looks like the team who wins will always win and the team that loses will always lose.
when the nets played against the pistons and celtics they knew they were better then them and played that way. now its like they know they are not as good, so they play that way. theres no aura of confidence or pride or anything
My heart is gonna' stop.
[Farley]Wait, there it goes.[/Farley]
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don't forget my 20 biznatch.
Kidd has 30 points and the nets barely won. the spurs played like shit for the majority of the game and they lost by 2. Duncan needs to hit some fucking freethrows.
how lost does richard jefferson look out there
Quote:the spurs played like shit for the majority of the game
why is it that when a team plays like shit its never the other teams defense?
it was also because duncan was scared of going to the free throw line. he was setting screens 20 feet from the basket because he knows if he got fouled working for a shot down low he would have to go to the line
Boring or not, he proved his worth as MVP.

21 points, 20 rebounds, 10 assists, 8 blocks.

Those numbers equal 3 letters, MVP.
so when kidd goes to the spurs next year, the nets will be even worse than the knicks.
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