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Hybrid Wrote:why dont you just ask me? im not good enough to be asked by name?
You know you is mah nigga.

You were on away and not on the board, so I knew you'd reply eventually.
Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance :5: :5:
LEftover Crack - Atheist Anthem
le tigre
go on aim
i am on aim
I see you!
The Thrice album is amazing, thanks Hybri.. err Steve.
listening to rx bandits - "the resignation" on a recomendation....not bad, but not great
kill whoever recommended that
Snoop Dogg feat Loon - Gangsta Shit
On my way to work this morning...

Elton John - Tiny Dancer (I sang along, not too enthusiastically as I was in traffic)
Beyonce - Crazy In Love (I'm smitten with her :2: )
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love

Now it's some funky stuff on 90.7
Danked has jungle fever, how cute. :loveya:
The Lawrence Arms - Apathy and Exhaustion
the bled - anvil pinata
minor threat - nazi punks fuck off
Keyser Soze Wrote:minor threat - nazi punks fuck off
dead kennedys sang that, not minor threat, captian CBGB's shirt
steady listening to wu-tangs albums this weekend, gonna move onto some Nas soon.

I wanna try to d/l the new Canibus album later tonight.
Coldplay - Daylight
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