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Kazaa Lite K++ is so sweeeeeet.
My participation level is 16739. Used to be a 3.

Yarrrrrrr indeed.
can i have jiboo when you get arrested
But I'm not sharing any files at all. I'm a dirty cheater. There's a difference.
so am I!! Hooray for us!!! :banana:
jerk! thats why i like soulseek. you can ban people that dont share.
if we share, the RIAA will send us letters.

I share porn though :thumbs-up:
thursday live at the apple store:
war all the time
this song brought to you by a falling bomb
this side of brightness
signals over the air
division st.

Hybrid Wrote:jerk! thats why i like soulseek. you can ban people that dont share.
You can do that on Kazaa as well.
Dream Theater - Train of Thought

:5: :5: :5: :5: :5: :5:
Murder By Death - Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?
Borialis - Don't Mean A Thing
G-Unit - Beg for Mercy

I stayed away from this album at first cause I figured G-Unit would just be another D-12 type deal. But to my surprise the album owns and everyone pulls their own weight.

G'd Up is by far my favorite track right now.
Jay-Z - The Blueprint
U2 - One
Fruit Bats- Union Blanket
The Pine - Lead Blocks for Feet
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