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When I'm Gone - Eminem

Best song he's done in a while.

The Yards


State Radio
Massive Attack.
Sean Paul - The Trinity
QOTSA-Broken Box
ron and fez
Gogol Bordello -Gypsy Punks
explosions in the sky - How Strange, Innocence
State Radio - Us Against the Crown*

*which i recommend highly. new album just came out and just saw them at Irving Plaza last week. their sound is...reggae meets rock meets indie meets political dissent.
beck - clap hands
HIM -rip out the wings of a buttefly.
The leaked Strokes tracks.

It's more of the same, but good.
i just downloaded the album and listened this morning, and thought it was pretty bad. his singing is painfully slow in almost all the tracks. i wanted to start hitting people on the train it was bothering me so much.
Dance Hall Crashers - Enough
DJ Doboy- Vocal Edition 13
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)
it's THE arcade fire.
yes, yes it is.
Manmade God, Love as Laughter, and We Are Scientists
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