Full Version: the mod wars begin!!!
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trouble follows me around like billy zane lookalikes.
Arpi is doing good things already!

That "anti-Jack" sign should replace the cdih logo.
oooh... can i get one of those nifty "NO JACK" thingy's in my status, mr. arpi, sir... :thumbs-up:
all jack lovers shall now be addressed by thier new name, Jover.

see its jack and lover combined. i took the j from jack and the.......well, you get the point.
so its not my best work. i have been real busy lately and i dont really have as much time as i used to.
the creative juices nede proper time to ferment. i will try harder in the future but for now Jover will have to do. any way, where were we?
oh, thats right.

Ahem......Gonzo is a damned Jover!!!!
As an advocate of self-government I can't align myself with either party.

Make me an offer I can't refuse and I might consider.
you should feel it in your heart. choose or be labeled a jover!!
Quote:all jack lovers shall now be addressed by thier new name, Jover.

see its jack and lover combined.

this is the reign of comedy you promised?
I'm no Jover thats for Damn sure. It sounds to gay.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hate it when the Jover's Witnesses ring my bell in the morning asking me to convert!
um.... i'm still waiting on that "NO JACK" thingamabobber... Undecided

oh... and why you're at it, can we get an "ANTI GOMEZ" thingy too??? :clueless:
so MAD, alkey, CHOOSE!

Quote:this is the reign of comedy you promised?
the post as a whole was comedy genius and you know it.



Two for one! SOLD!!!
I thought I made my decision painfully clear with my "I declare Jack a fat fuck" post.

Do I have to write check?

Quote:the post as a whole was comedy genius and you know it.

I'm so not laughing yet.
the gomez war will start right after we destroy jack. be patient my army of mad dogs!
Can we make Gomez mod next?
Quote:army of mad dogs

I'd make a mike and the mad dog reference but today seems to be your day for bad jokes.
Quote:Can we make Gomez mod next?

Infidel!! Lock him up and throw away the key!
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