Full Version: the mod wars begin!!!
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i told you hedcold turned on you, next he'll turn on joobies!
he broke my heart
i saw that goaty :29:
crx, jover or not?
you have to ask? i'm a little hurt Undecided
sorry, just need you vocal ok before giving you the badge of honor
See if I ever whisper sweet nothings to you in an AIM chat again. :angry:
jack, the truth is that you are the person on the board that hates you the most. you should join my side.
I love myself. I think I am great.
arpi's got a good point there jackypoo
Quote:The best there is.. The best there was.. And the best there ever will be.

Quote:I love myself. I think I am great.
repeat that out loud a hundred times a day and you may just start to believe it some day.
while you laze , my army grows. soon you will cry in every forum like you did in the mod forum
Good. I like a good battle.
And I thought the mod forum was for crying about people...

You mean we are actually supposed to use it for something else?
jack = stewart smalley?
Quote:Good. I like a good battle.
no you dont. you always get petulant and start stamping your feet. you suck at it.
I don't understand that reference :29:
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