Full Version: the mod wars begin!!!
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Quote:2. i cant believe no one laughed at my stinking bajs joke.

I was too busy throwing away my copy of "treasure of the sierra madre"
after jack and gomez have been dealt with, I am coming for you buster.
I'll be sure to dump the bony carcass off at Gonzo's so you can deal with him
its just the same 2 lines over and over.
Coming from the man who can't do anything but complain I find that a rather ridiculous accusation

When you can go an entire week at your current pace without once resorting to an insult I'll start caring about your opinion :thumbs-up:
<center>[Image: wonderjews.jpg]

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>JOIN ME!!!!!</span></center>
that is so gay !
No this is...

Arpi got schooled, but it had to be removed b/c even Arpi has his limits

Edited By Gooch on 1053561432
what a stud!!

now take it down. remember the baker rule.
Baker rule? But I have no pies?

yo, anarchy rulz, yo. !
<center>[Image: wonderjews.jpg]

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>JOIN ME!!!!!</span></center>
Quote:Arpi got schooled, but it had to be removed b/c even Arpi has his limits
i bet the pic i posted was better/dorkier

i think jack is too busy having a beach party at to care about this. surfs up fattie!
who you with sleeper?
i wuv you
time to choose, jays
I choose the Arpi-nator to take out the T-8-Baker...
so it is written, so let it be done
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