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Bah, Metal! :fuckoff: Confusedpits: :moonie:

I'd rather see a topless waitress than a bottomless waiter...
[Image: 10_ps342.jpg]

My hip hurts from rollerblading yesterday...
and I'm sitting, completely procrastinating doing the shitload of work I have piled up here...

NO!!!! :angry:
Spitfire Wrote:NO!!!! :angry:
Stand up for what you believe in!! Don't let the man tell you what to do!

:lol: I don't wanna work either ...
ok ok you dont have to work
you have my permission to slack, only because its friday and so nice out and im in a fucking great mood
Hey Ladi Wrote:Don't let the man tell you what to do!

Yes, just keep listening to those little voices in your head instead

Bah back Spit!! You're a slacker in asst. admin. clothing
:bouncer: :crackhead:
NaughtyAngel Wrote:GET TO WORK SPIT!!!! :p
UGH! :angry: How dare you say that ugly word, WORK, and remind me of the tasks that lay before me......

Oh well....have a great day everyone Big Grin
I'm not in a bad mood either...but bringing my dug-out to work helps that...

I snuck out 2 hours early yesterday and went rollerblading to the beach! I wish it wasn't so foggy today...
I have a headache, but it's Friday and I'm goin out tonight to see some I'm good Smile
Ughh just found out we have a staff meeting from like 3-5. Got a headache too, and just found out they cancelled two of the classes I need for the summer sessions at school....BAH!
Hey you girls ever get that out of the blue hard-on at work. Then ofcourse like today we are short on people so I can't even sneak into my bosses office to jerk-off in his sink. Am I alone on this one?
GonzoStyle Wrote:today we are short on people
You work with Grumpy? :roflmao:

Wood at work totally sucks, especially since we have to go someplace to relieve the pressure...I'm sure the gals of hell just diddle themselves at their desks
paging gonzo paging gonzo
ok thank you
I have a cut between my big toe & 2nd toe and it itches the fuck out of me when I walk, but I don't know what to put on it!! :burnfucker:
Hey Ladi Wrote:I have a cut between my big toe & 2nd toe and it itches the fuck out of me when I walk, but I don't know what to put on it!! :burnfucker:
Try hydrocortizone cream (sp) and some powder.

Quote:One of the suspects in the killing of a prominent scientist allegedly claims to be a practicing vampire who went into a frenzy after getting some blood in his mouth.

Where did all the normal people go? :clueless:
Thanks for sharing that little slice of sunshine with us Beckster
:bouncer: :lol: :bouncer: :lol: :bouncer:

I wonder if he was accompanied by a little bug eating fiend named Renfield?

Edited By Metalfan on Mar. 08 2002 at 1:06
Quote:Where did all the normal people go? :clueless:

I dunno..but WHY are all the EFFING CRAZIES here??
BeckyDC Wrote:I dunno..but WHY are all the EFFING CRAZIES here??
I resemble that remark...why thank you :bouncer:
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