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if you dont like it leave
i'll ramble innanely in any chat thread i like and you'll like it.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i'll ramble innanely in any chat thread i like and you'll like it.
i wont like it, but i guess i can deal with it for now
i will f your chat thread until it loves me

Edited By Keyser Soze on Mar. 07 2002 at 09:20
Keyser Soze Wrote:i will f your chat thread until it loves me
ooo :bouncer: I hate you too! oo ooo :bouncer:

Did you take tour vitamins?

(wow that's weird when you edit your's it edit's my quote too, neat)

Ps to Luna: this is post 777 OWWoooowowoooooo

Edited By Hey Ladi on Mar. 07 2002 at 09:23
On all 4's so early today Ladi? Forget to take the collar off?
Metalfan Wrote:On all 4's so early today Ladi? Forget to take the collar off?
:bouncer: throw the ball :bouncer: throw the ball :bouncer:
::throws ball::
::runs to get the ball, doesn't see the table, smacks head and falls unconscious::
::takes ladis wallet and runs::
::trips Amy n steals Ladi's wallet n runs::
::kidnaps Becky and throws her in the basement....I miss the screams for help since everyone escaped::
:Confusedhakes fist at becky::
:Confusedtraps rollerblades on::
blades after becky
NaughtyAngel Wrote::Confusedhakes fist at becky::
:Confusedtraps rollerblades on::
blades after becky
::laughs as Angel hits glides right into the wall of the basmt::
::runs into Gap and maxes out Ladi's Mastacard::
Hey Ladi Wrote:::laughs as Angel hits glides right into the wall of the basmt::
wh..where am i?

The choice of redneck, trailer living, white trash everywhere. Too bad the limit is $43.71 .... the price of a meal for the whole family at Denny's.
That's ok..I still have your wallet hehe.. ::looks thru wallet n finds *ribbed for her pleasure* condom:: OMG Ladi.. :o
can someone help me outa here?
BeckyDC Wrote:That's ok..I still have your wallet hehe.. ::looks thru wallet n finds *ribbed for her pleasure* condom:: OMG Ladi.. :o
It's the glow in the dark one too, I'm so upset I lost it. You wouldn't believe how many box tops I had to collect to get that free in the mail.
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