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5:32 just putting my autographed baseballs on the shelf

Edited By Arpikarhu on Mar. 08 2002 at 5:32
Arpikarhu Wrote:5:32 just putting my autographed baseballs on the shelf
I hope they fall of the shelf, knock you out and that someone robs you but only after fucking you in the ass and raping your family.
i haven't had coffee today. i dealt with a headache all day and now i'm in pain.
My knee hurts, my heel hurts, my calf hurts, and my back hurts.

NCAA Regionals hurt
My throat still hurts. :confused:
I would truly love to help you with that Luna.
i'm bored out of my mind Confuseduicide:
since i last posted in this thread I had a pot of coffee and got a large coffee from a deli. i feel better now. anyone up for a game?

Edited By IkeaBoy on Mar. 09 2002 at 10:45
Is it possible to get someone's sore throat through the internet? Hmmm...
cheers marathon, im happy
im bored Confusedleeper:
HyBriD Wrote:im bored Confusedleeper:
me too
arent we all?
Quote:aren't we all?

Edited By HyBriD on Mar. 10 2002 at 12:08
boredom is bliss
everyone come over then, entertain me
my feet hurt
i need to kiss someone!
:fuggin: but i'm still bored
NaughtyAngel Wrote:i need to kiss someone!
Would you settle for sucking my cock?
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