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whenever people smoke cigars around me, it makes me have to take a shit

anyone else have weird reactions to stuff?
it happened twice already. Twice.
smoking and going to the library make me have to poop. i think it's a relaxation thing...
Three times a charm.

Mad Wrote:Three times a charm.
i'll be sure to notify you all when it happens again

You might want to stick to bong hits instead of those nasty ass blunts.
i don't smoke them, other people do, and just the smell triggers it or something
when i wash dishes, my feet itch...i think my flat feet have something to do with it

when i used to have aol a few years back, everytime id sit down and go online, id have to shit
If you eat carrots you will die.

In fact, everyone who has ever died, has eaten carrots
i disagree
Galt Wrote:If you eat carrots you will die.

In fact, everyone who has ever died, has eaten carrots
Quote:i disagree
...but everyone who has ever eaten carrots will die :burnfucker:
whenever i play madden 99 i get a boner. it isn't even that great of a game.
Quote:...but everyone who has ever eaten carrots will die
this is true, and perhaps what he meant to say...
I have a friend who always has to shit when he goes shopping and he sees things on shelves.
He had a whole psychological explanation a s to how it related to being raised by a single mom but I'm too stoned to relay it.
Quote:I'm too stoned to relay it.
A shocking revelation from Suzie.
Quote:whenever i play madden 99 i get a boner. it isn't even that great of a game.
reading this thread makes me want to vomit....coincidence...i dare say no Rolleyes
Happy Birthday!!! :bouncer: :banana:
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