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Quote:i still have no glove, but i figure if some one handed pitcher can catch a ball and then take the glove off his hand and be able to throw
wasn't that a her? either way, i've taken the whole day off, so yeah, i play a mean game of catch..or picnic, whatever the case may be

dont' worry alkeysnookems, we'll work something out :kissing smilie i'm too drunik/and or lazy to find the smiley page with actual thing, yeah:
Wish I could make it , but i sprained my knee
oh damn i was hoping you could go!

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>who is that?</span>
Some guy.
I bet he's pretty swift too.
be there to do whatever -- play , ump -- mostly booze :5: :4: :21: :39:
oh snap!
so I'm hearing it might be really rainy Saturday, and if that's the case there's a chance I won't be going. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Crossed that it rains, or crossed that it doesn't rain? :clueless:
that it doesn't - are you comin' or what?
You picking me up?
I can't, but I asked Hybrid and WBK, I'm sure one of them will swing by and get ya.
yeah i don't have bases for yahz, sorry
they were sacrificed to the softball godz
shit just came up for me so I can't make it tomorrow :-(
man am i psyched for this softball game, i've barely been able to sleep all week with the anticipation of meeting some new faces. oh boy this is gonna be great :5:
So basically this is just a YMB event now?

That changes everything. I'm not going.

Ok, I am. I have to pick up Sleeper.
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i have rubber orange bases i could bring if we really need them
Bring them. We'll need something to hold over our heads when it starts to pour.
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