Full Version: Softball Game August 2nd (GAME ON!!) - Sign In Here
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my softball didn't get done till 7:30
sorry for the no show
but we did win the tourney against the #1 E team in Jersey
well CDIH beat the #1 eTeam in Jersey.
not reallyy keyser, weird and sleeper were the only cdih people to play, everyone else on their team that won, as well as all the losing team belong to YMB

Edited By crack hitler on 1060024247
what about hybrid? so the winning team had the only CDIH members on it, Weird was MVP, WE RULE!
Ok, ok. So there were 2 games and Hybrid's team one the first one. There, you happy now you big baby. :21:
yea we one it good :34:
3 CDIHer's on the winning team, thats nearly 1/3. WE RULE!
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