Full Version: Softball Game August 2nd (GAME ON!!) - Sign In Here
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I might show up just to drive by and laugh.


Edited By Weird NJ on 1059772544
its not raining :thumbs-up:
fuck, i overslept

The Clear sTuFF: haha im not going
GodIheads Lament: going where?
The Clear sTuFF: softball
yeah duh, i said that because i overslept
Sure you did
You sleep?
with a teddy bear :5:
it was fun
really fun
the funny thing is, weirdnj actually played pretty well...
weird was hitting bombs into left field. he was good.
id like to say it was cool to see everyone again, it had been a while.

hybrid, you relaly need to keep that FBA under control
Yeah.. I am never doing that again... ever.

I hurt. :29:
yea im sore today
so from what I have read and heard, it sounds like it was a fun time - I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
did we win?
weird was awesome. you would never know the last time he played was in the 6th grade.
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