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Next topic, then why post in the listening thread?

Answer cause you may not be able to stream it or click and listen to it. But it may interest someone else who is looking for something new to listen to. Atleast that is what I do when looking at it.
and cause I have no life

thats what you wanna hear?!?!?!?!?!
that Outkast song has been playing for like 10 minutes now.
Actually thats from a few days ago, I haven't listened to anything in a few days.

Though I am listening to a Classical mix I made, the listen to only logs music that has listings for title, artist and album in the ID. So sometimes labeling it is a pain in the ass if its not labeled already.

So for your curiousity I am currently on Beethovens Moonlight Sonata and Moving onto Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody.
I'm listening to a Yahoo Personals ad on Launch Internet radio
Listening thread is down the hall, I labeled for you.
can you please update your sig so we all know what you are wearing as well?
I loathe you
what have you had to eat today, MaynardStyle?
I haven't eaten yet, I just got in from school and didn't have a chance.

I had a banana snapple though.

I fuckin hate you so much.
You have Hudson Hawk in your collection? You should be forced to move to Russia.

Hudson Hawk is one of the greatest films ever made you fuckin peasant.
You need to step back and reevaluate some of your choices in life.
How so?

Elitist scum bucket.
you need to just step back!!!!
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I'd like to see you defend that piece of shit in a debate with Marty Scorsese. I have lost all respect for your opinion in the world of film. I'm shattered.
I ran Gonzo off the board. He probably doesn't even want to go out drinking with me anymore.

I just saved money. Bonus.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Answer cause you may not be able to stream it or click and listen to it. But it may interest someone else who is looking for something new to listen to. Atleast that is what I do when looking at it.
Actually, I never would have listened to Radiohead if it weren't for the Listening thread. So you are vindicated.
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