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Woah! Brad Pitt....a good actor? Controversial Opinions V4
Event Horizon was interesting for the first half. the second half was on of the most idiotic movie experiences of my life.
what a tremendous piece of shit.
Galt Wrote:Woah! Brad Pitt....a good actor? Controversial Opinions V4
i did not realize that only controversial opinions should written. my bad.
I really need to buy some recent movies. I've gotten about 5 DVDs in the last five years and most of them are TV shows
do what i do. get them from netflix and burn them. i get anywhere from 10 to 15 movies a month for 19 bucks total.
that's fabulous. Ghettofabulous.

Though I don't have a DVD burner. Or a Netflix account for that matter.

I guess I just don't watch that many movies to really make it worthwhile to have a big DVD collection. We've got a ton of pay channels and so there's normally something to watch. Except for rare occassions. Once I watch a movie a couple times, I don't really have much interest in watching it again.
so why are you bitching about needing to buy movies?
I made you respond! I win!
ive given up on dvd collections, i dont really see the point. video on demand owns me.
The only movies that I think Pitt is good in are Fight Club and Se7en - he seems to do well in dark movies. He was ok in Ocean's 11, but I didn't think he added all that much to the movie (and I haven't seen 12 yet, but I'll assume he's the same in it).
Pitt is pretty good in every movie. Snatch,12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Troy, Se7en, Meet Joe Black, True Romance, A River Runs Through It, and Interview with the Vampire.

Thing is...he plays flamboyant characters. He always has presence...but hasn't had that defining role, mainly b/c of what he picks. Almost what you can consider a great character actor
I'd hardly consider pitt a character actor, Tyler Durden come on.
Tyler is a character, in my mind.

When have you seen Brad Pitt in a flick and felt you saw his soul. truly inhabit a role.

Daniel Day Lewis playing Bill the Butcher comes to mind. Morgan Freeman in Shawshank. F. Murray Abraham in Amadeus. Hanks in Forrest Gump/Philadelphia.Russel Crowe in The Insider.

Its the difference of great roles and true least in my mind. I have yet to see Brad Pitt do that. In his "chances" there are in Seven Days in Tibet and Legends of the Fall....where he fails.
blah blah blah marvel at my DVD collection instead.
It was 2 bucks and yes I am embarassed I even spent 2 bucks on it.
No Woody Allen flicks.

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