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Mad Wrote:I'd like to see you defend that piece of shit in a debate with Marty Scorsese. I have lost all respect for your opinion in the world of film. I'm shattered.
It's a fun movie, it's not a great movie.

Go kill off some communists.
Hudson Hawk is a funny movie - not "LOL" funny, but "<grin>" funny.
It's one of those silly funny movies, Willis and Aiello worked well with eachother.
I even enjoyed Sandra Bernhard - most times I can't stand her.
Sorry she is in my top 5 most hated entertainers of all times, I have never been able to stand her. I just skip through her scenes.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hudson Hawk is one of the greatest films ever made you fuckin peasant.
From greatest to fun, well which one is it? I can accept fun. Greatest, I can not.
Mad Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hudson Hawk is one of the greatest films ever made you fuckin peasant.
From greatest to fun, well which one is it? I can accept fun. Greatest, I can not.
It's called sarcasm, I don't really think you're a fuck.
i get to add the family guy volume 1 dvd set today...yay!
-That's a nice uniform, guy.

-They're OR scrubs.

-O... R they?

You think I got kicked out because of just the aquarium? Nah, it was the handjob. And you know what else? It was worth it.
Why dincha just piss off, Fischer? Yer sooch a wee dotty skid mark!
i tried to trick best buy into selling me criterion version of the dvd for $15, but they caught on.
Best Buy was the only place I walked into that had it on the shelves. Every other place had the normal version.

I considered buying Run Ronnie Run, but even Bob & David don't endorse it because they didn't get final approval of the version that was released.
Matrix Reloaded

I think I have a problem.... I keep buying lots of DVDs. :clueless:
Indiana Jones comes out next week :banana:
yessir - all three films! I'm really looking forward to it to, even though I've seen them all hundreds of times. They were all overhauled and look/sound amazing.
My wishlist is growing.
there aren't too many other big name dvd's I'm looking for - mainly the x-file sets, but I'm trying to get them for cheap.
i too have a problem...ive spent $100 on dvds in the past two weeks (plus matrix reloaded which i got for free. i gave a kid kill bill svcd for it). i think im gonna hold off for now though, and take care of the rest as xmas gifts.
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