Full Version: Gonzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Probably not, but it makes the joke a lot funnier if you say you will.
If Jack was black, he'd be Kid.
Kid Afrika Wrote:Probably not, but it makes the joke a lot funnier if you say you will.
Depends on who is being froy-esque.
love me?
It's too soon.
I meant "froy-esque" in a sense that I would make a stand against Jack much the way I did against the boy blunder.
In that case you have my full support and whatever you need is at your disposal.
Don't worry. This should be really easy considering that this site is probably more under-moderated than over-moderated. But, if shit ever starts getting screwy... IT'S ON!!!

I shall not sit still to be held in a cell of your making.

I shall not suffer your futile attempts to silence my opinions or those of my fellow members.

I will fight your absolute power with great vengeance and furious anger, for I am the lor... oh wait, wrong speech.

In this war of words, my mind shall be my weapon of mass destruction. Now pardon me as I venture off to the library to stock up on ammo.
Oh man, drama!!!!!!
somebody called?
Not for a drama queen. No!
Who do I have to blow to get my status changed?
To something more "Don't Be A Fool. Stay In School"?
If that thing on your lip is a precursor to what's in your panties..
I'll pass.
You asked, I answered. That's all.
you voted for yourself, didn't you?
Voted for myself for what?
i was talking to hoon, wondering if he gave himself those 10 little stars. you snuck in there.
Yes I did.
Because that would be the most pathetic, assholish thing a person could do.
Besides, Alkey has turned everyone against me so somone has to vote for me.
I felt bad so I voted for you.
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