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And spelling insults are the crutch of the lame.
Believe it or not I do have the utmost respect for humorus people like Gonzo, Arpi and others.
But Jays ? I could drag you around this thread like a Christmas tree in late January.
I read that thread.
Hoon Wrote:Believe it or not I do have the utmost respect for humorus people like Gonzo, Arpi and others.
But Jays ? I could drag you around this thread like a Christmas tree in late January.
i despise this idiot but i liked the xmas tree comment.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:Believe it or not I do have the utmost respect for humorus people like Gonzo, Arpi and others.
But Jays ? I could drag you around this thread like a Christmas tree in late January.
i despise this idiot but i liked the xmas tree comment.
throws dollar in your empty guitar case

Stay warm and don't give up, bum.
I'm going to bed.
and you lost me again.
alkie, alkie,alkie, what to do with you. i am at a loss
Arpikarhu Wrote:and you lost me again.
If I have to sit and explain the obvious to you everytime we're going to rack up a wicked post count.

Ok, you know who bums sit out on the corner and display their less than medicore talents (usually guitar) and leave the case open so they can collect tips from those wo feel sorry for them?

Yeah? re-read my previous post.
so you're saying Arpi is a mediocre guitar player?
no, i am attention.
I didn't read any of his prior posts - they've never proven to be worth reading in the past, so I'm not about to start now.
Arpikarhu Wrote:alkie, alkie,alkie, what to do with you. i am at a loss
Please don't run me off the board.
Hoon, you know very little, and you read just as much. You couldn't drag your own feet if your tried. You are about as complex as wallpaper. Nothing you contribute holds any meaning, significance, relevance, or substance to anyone, anywhere, at any time, in the world. If fish had the ability to type words on a computer, you would struggle to keep up with the school. Your mind is nothing but a fleshy grey substance that somehow enables the motor skills in your fingers to move in an amazing and suprising manner; a manner which showcases just how very little usage it takes for the brain to operate a human being.
The words you write, it's as if someone had brought Shakespeare back from the grave, and told what remains of his corpse to try to insult people on an electronic message board.
To drag me around this thread like a Christmas tree in mid-January, well, that's quite the easy task. You've waited for the water to dry up, for all the needles to fall off, and left it up in your lonely abode, with only a few strands of tinsle struggling to hold onto the memories of yet another holiday wasted on the lonely and the pathetic. And now you can drag it to the curb, and sit it next to the black plastic bag full of used Stofer's tv dinner trays, wads of used tissues, and empty bottles of Jerkin's hand lotion, ready for the garbage man to pick up another collection of trash created by just another random face in crowd. You wave goodbye as the tree is picked up, to be thrown to the shredder, and turn back, forced to face another year of existence on this blue marble.
And there, now, you sit, water glazing over that blank stare your eyes have created as you attempt to read the words on this screen, and prepare your retort.

Edited By The Jays on 1073117288
Goatweed Wrote:I didn't read any of his prior posts - they've never proven to be worth reading in the past, so I'm not about to start now.
fair enough.
for the record, I bet you play a mean Stairway to Heaven.
Quote:If fish had the ability to type words on a computer, you would struggle to keep up with the school.

I stopped right here because it can't get any better than that.
Goatweed Wrote:for the record, I bet you play a mean Stairway to Heaven.
actually, no. :9:

I kill on little brown jug though.
Goatweed Wrote:I didn't read any of his prior posts - they've never proven to be worth reading in the past, so I'm not about to start now.
you're missing out
early nominee for worst thread of 2004
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