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GonzoStyle Wrote:That's ok baldy.
i sensed a small amount of love there
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:Never trust a bald man. If his head looks like your ass, you know he's full of shit.
anybody else want to jump in? this dolt is starting to bore me.
You need to attempt a fight before you become bored.
You sure as hell aren't getting it from cheese ass Jays.

Now if Gonzo decides to help you out.
You'll be ok.
Other than him. You're letting a newbie get the best of you?
Arpikarhu Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:That's ok baldy.
i sensed a small amount of love there
Now that's desperation.

Do me a favor and mistake a shotgun for your fathers penis and stick it down your throat.
Arpi's nasal cavity is bald.

That's about it...
Quote:You need to attempt a fight before you become bored.
You sure as hell aren't getting it from cheese ass Jays.

IrishAlkey Wrote:Arpi's nasal cavity is bald.

That's about it...
wrong! you could weave a rug out of my noe hairs. my nose trimmer uses a car battery.
His Ceasar comb-over doesn't fool me.
I was referring to the coke eating away at the inside of the cavity, not the hair.
The Jays Wrote:
Quote:You need to attempt a fight before you become bored.
You sure as hell aren't getting it from cheese ass Jays.

Are you a chick?
hoon, listen to me.
you are fucking annoying, nobody likes you, and your insults are some of the worst that this board has ever seen

i dont really like arpi much, but you are forcing me to defend him, and i hate it
Hoon Wrote:
The Jays Wrote:
Quote:You need to attempt a fight before you become bored.
You sure as hell aren't getting it from cheese ass Jays.

Are you a chick?
fbdlingfrg Wrote:hoon, listen to me.
you are fucking annoying, nobody likes you, and your insults are some of the worst that this board has ever seen

i dont really like arpi much, but you are forcing me to defend him, and i hate it
Listen to me.
I should hope no one here likes me else I'd be doing something wrong.

As far as my insults...
They are hall of fame compared to anything you've had to say so far. I've gotten burnt worse on the hippie Doors board than I have by you here so if I were you I'd go back to coordinating your & Arpis panty swap in pm's.

fbdlingfrg Wrote:hoon, listen to me.
you are fucking annoying, nobody likes you, and your insults are some of the worst that this board has ever seen

i dont really like arpi much, but you are forcing me to defend him, and i hate it
I have never seen my boy so upset, I am so proud.
stole my make fun of fbdling a jing a ling gag and shit on fbdling jing a ding a ling at the same time. whoa!
fbdlingfrg Wrote:you are fucking annoying,
Am I more or less annoying than mass pop up's?
I need a scale here.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
stole my make fun of fbdling a jing a ling gag and shit on fbdling jing a ding a ling at the same time. whoa!
If you've done that before...I didn't see it.
Hell, it was only a month ago that I thought your name was Apri.
Hoon, you need to step back and recognize. Your ability to string words together as sentances is at the level of most children in 1st grade. It has been documented that many people in the world today who, as active adults, still lack upper echelon grammatical and comprehensive skills do not suceed in their life pursuits and fail to ejaculate in a mature manner whilst with a woman, and usually resort to insulting others for no reason whatsoever, and also vote liberals into office. I lump you into this group of wicked beings, and forsee that you will forever lament your life's emptiness in the fifth circle of hell.
The Jays Wrote:Hoon, you need to step back and recognize. Your ability to string words together as sentances is at the level of most children in 1st grade. It has been documented that many people in the world today who, as active adults, still lack upper echelon grammatical and comprehensive skills do not suceed in their life pursuits and fail to ejaculate in a mature manner whilst with a woman, and usually resort to insulting others for no reason whatsoever, and also vote liberals into office. I lump you into this group of wicked beings, and forsee that you will forever lament your life's emptiness in the fifth circle of hell.
It's "Sentences"
If you're going to attack spelling or it correctly.

I look down my nose at you.
got you there jays.
I don't attack spelling. I attack incoherent thought.

It has also been documented that as long as most of the letters in a word are organized correctly, spelling does not affect the composition.
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