Full Version: Board Awards 2004 (Award #4) - Poster Of The Year
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good point. i thought about this...and if i could change my vote, it would be for Gonzo. Gonzo drives board interest, threads, and his posts are funny, intelligent and on-point, unless they have to do with me Wink when he's not around, the board is dead. that is what makes poster of the year. DIG is funny pretty consistently, so is Sleepy. But, all for's a tie for now.
awww schucks goochy.
hey....i've never shied away from the truth, even if we kick one another in the balls time to time. i wouldn't be here still, even if it's in limited, diluted, worst-posteresque fashion, if you and some others i've valued over the years, weren't posting here.
Hey I only said what i did out of love, we're yearning for the gooch of old!!! But as long as you have fun, thats all that counts, i'm still glad you are here.

By the by slowly but surely my endorsement seems to be working, sleeper is gaining.
you just want to win a three-way don't you? crush poor Sleeper just as he rises.
Galt is way too snobby for my taste.
He can't be all bad...he wears Ralf Lauren.
Maybe I should have been on the fall from grace poll. :-(
You are funny on YMB. The both of you.
The bar is set really low over there.
I think the bar is just too high for you and your genius is just expected at this point, I heard you were even funny on
You're a bastard.
I's goin to YMB and find one of your old threads.
you sure you are not there already?
damn yo, what's with my late breaking fan base.
It's gotta' be the Yakov.
wow, its amazing how it only takes a day for that joke to blow
It blew real fast when you were using it!
in soviet russia, joke blows you!
I was trying to kill it as fast as possible. It was like a lit cigarette in Southern Californa during the Santa Ana wind season
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