Full Version: Board Awards 2004 (Award #4) - Poster Of The Year
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she won't simply because you asked.
i figured as much. :-(
That's what you get for being mean, I hope you have learned your lesson and given up your old ways.
Feel my wrath, simpletons!
Fall from grace, coming right up.
This board is racist.
sexist maybe
is that bad or good?
I think we are a rainbow of equality
that would make a swell t-shirt
we should start selling t-shirts.
we should - with logos and everything.
oh man the endless possibilities!!!

we could make hundre... singles galore!!!
don't forget hats, bandanas and wrist bands - I hear they're all the rage these days.
I'd buy a g-string.
thats WHACK!
bandanas for alkey!!!
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