Full Version: Board Awards 2004 (Award #4) - Poster Of The Year
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diceisgod Wrote:Galt's an overanalyzing, pontificating wind bag.

Gonzo's just a freakin loon.

Sleeper is the obvious choice.
this is why this man had my vote.
I voted for him first, fatass
always competing for attention. you must be an only child.
I was responding to Silera. Quit annoying me.
Quote:always competing for attention. you must be an only child.
that doesnt make sense

Edited By The Jays on 1073529431
The Jays Wrote:
Quote:always competing for attention. you must be an only child.
that doesnt make sense
yeah, if he's an only child wouldn't he get all the attention?
you read my reply perfectly. You must not have went to school.
Quote:Captain Clarity
Danked Wrote:Okonko..



I never had a problem spelling fbdlingfrg but that one always confused me.
see, mine just rolls off the fingers. the trick is not having a pronunciation that people can screw up and thus spell wrong
i pronounce your name ef-bee-dling-frig
fibd??? thats 2 syllables, buddy!
ding a ling!
nah, its like fibbed. fibbed is one

you cant just add in all those vowels!
Ahhhh... but you can see that I did.

It can be done.
darn you
In Soviet Russia, vowels add you!
Can you feel it? I can feel it.

This is Golden Age hilarity right here.
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